It’s interesting to see how everything seems to come in phases, for a group of people to all feel similar at the same time. Over the past couple months it was something that I didn’t expect to see happen, from growing closer to several people and getting to know them better this was an unexpected aside. Not that I know what it means or really anything more about it. Just that it’s interesting.

The hardest thing for me to do is to know when. I love to sit and enjoy the moment, to bask in what the Lord has given me and just be with those around me. Words don’t have to be said, nothing needs to be conveyed, just you/us sitting there and me sitting here is enough. So many times I wish I knew what to say, or even more honestly when to say it. I?m not saying this to rationalize anything, or to make up for anything. Just because I feel like it?s been really true in my life lately.

Here is what I do know. I know that no matter how often I try there will always be times when I’ll screw up. That when those times come I pray that my heart would be shown through and that my intentions would be pure. I’m sorry for how things turned out bro, I just want you to know that life has a funny way of working out? rather, Christ has a funny way of knowing what we need and has even better ways of giving it to us. Things in my life, even if they make so much sense to me and logical to happen, don’t always happen when they ‘should’ or I feel like they should. It’s just amazing to me to watch how God provides everything I truly need. We?ll be praying for you.

Seek out the face of Christ,

this is most likely going to be my last entry before I leave. I’m so excited to get over to east asia and just see what is going on over there. I’ve been so blessed over the last several weeks it’s unreal. So awesome to watch the support come in, the logistics fall into place, the team form, and prayer after prayer be answered for this trip. I won’t post while I’m there but will be writing and will post things when I get back.